0 The Beatles Christmas Messages Posted by James on December 11, 2010 at 3:07am You need to be a member of Times Past to add comments! Join Times Past Tags: Beatles, Christmas Email me when people reply – Follow
I have never heard all of these, thank you so much.
You're more than welcome Alyson......Jim
Thank you, James!
The pleasure is all mine!!
Thanks so much for this. Peace.
It's timeless, Steve. Peace back at ya!!
Each year from 1963 through 1969, the Beatles recorded a special Christmas greeting for their fans. The Official Beatles Fan Club in England sent flexi-discs containing the Christmas messages to its members each holiday season.![](https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2473758322?profile=original)
1 TheBeatlesChristmasRecord1963.mp3
2 AnotherBeatlesChristmasRecord1964.mp3
3 TheBeatlesThirdChristmasRecord1965.mp3
4 TheBeatlesFourthChristmasRecord1966.mp3
5 ChristmasTimeIsHereAgain1967.mp3
6 TheBeatles1968ChristmasRecord.mp3
'67 track seems to have a couple of upload file hiccup-glitches.
7 TheBeatlesSeventhChristmasRecord1969.mp3
8 ChristmasMessageOuttake1964.mp3
9 ChristmasTimeIsHereAgainouttake1967.mp3