I know that this is probably a long shot but when I was growing up I would check out tapes from the library, I would love to hear some of these stories again.  I believe the company that put them out was Caedmon Audio Cassette, I remember that they were dramatizations, and they were all the books.  I have the Narnia series on cd somewhere in my room and will post those as soon as I find them all.  If anyone has any info that would be awesome, but I know that it's a long shot
Thanks in advance


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  • Here is a version of Mary Poppins by the BBC.

    Mary Poppins.mp3

  • Well I probably will have 3 out of the 6 that were done, I found them on amazon for $42.00, but something told me not to get it yet so I went to paper back swap and found it there, and it only cost me $7.00 much better price! So if all goes well I will post those along with the Narnia stories I have. So maybe I'll be able to find the other 3 soon. still no luck with the Little house series, can't find any info about them except that they were probably put out by Newberry and someones comment about them listening to the LP's at a library.
  • I don't have that one, sorry.
  • I forgot to add that they were from the 70's, I do know that Sarah Jessica Parker is in the Little House series not sure who she is though.
  • I could upload the audiobooks read by Cherry Jones. Let me know if you'd like them.
  • I have two little house series I can upload. Is there a certain place to upload them? If not than I'll try to use 4share :)
  • Melissa, you wouldn't be the only one interested in these. I haven't heard them myself, but both are favorite series of mine, the Little House books bringing back the most memories. Dramatized audio versions would be more than awesome to hear. I hope we find them.
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