Read by Cherry Jones
Size: 151 MB
Rate: 96 kbps
Length: Unknown
"Meet Laura Ingalls, the little girl who would grow up to write the Little House books.
Wolves and panthers and bears roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the late 1870's. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy.
Little House in the Big Woods is the first book in the Laura Years series."
Thank you very much!
Thanks Alan . Farmer Boy is one I had missed !
Thank you so much again, Poppy ! I'm having a GREAT time listening to these. A real blast from the past....
Thanks for all this work ! It's such a wonderful series...
Thank you so much !
Poppy (and Alan)
Thank you for uploading, Poppy (and Alan)
--- Inga
Read by Cherry Jones
Size: 98 MB
Rate: 96 kbps
Length: Unknown
"Laura and Almanzo have married and begin their new life together. But just as they start to feel settled, Laura and Almanzo are challenged by storms, sickness, and providing for their new baby, Rose. Their pioneer lives have trained them well, however, and they re determined to succeed."
The First Four Years derives its title from a promise Laura made to Almanzo when they became engaged. Laura did not want to be a farm wife, but she consented to try farming for three years. At the end of that time, Laura and Almanzo mutually agreed to continue for one more year, a "year of grace", in Laura's words. The book ends at the close of that fourth year, on a rather optimistic note. In reality, the continually hot, dry Dakota summers, and several other tragic events they sustained eventually drove them from their land, but they later founded a very successful fruit and dairy farm in Missouri, where they lived comfortably until their respective deaths.
The First Four Years is a book found in the belongings of Rose Wilder Lane (Laura's daughter) by Roger Lea MacBride, Rose's heir, upon Rose's death in 1968. Laura wrote all of her books on dime store tablets, and the manuscript of the book was found untouched, in Laura's handwriting, as Laura had written it.
It was apparently a first draft of a book Laura had decided to write, possibly as a ninth book in her Little House on the Prairie series, but more likely as a separate novel for adults (much of the material is more for an adult audience than anything in her Little House books), but her actual intent is not known. She seems to have written the extant first draft sometime around 1940, and then apparently lost interest in the project. Roger MacBride, the adopted grandson of Rose Wilder Lane, and executor of her estate, made a decision to publish The First Four Years without any editing, so it came directly from Laura's pencil to the written page. Because Laura never reworked the manuscript - and Rose never edited it (Rose edited all of her mother's earlier writings for publication), it is less polished in style than the books of the Little House series, but it is still unmistakably Laura's writing.
Laura Ingalls Wilder died in 1957 aged 90 at her home Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield Missouri.
00 - Prologue.mp3
01 - The First Year.mp3
02 - The Second Year.mp3
03 - The Third Year.mp3
04 - A Year of Grace.mp3
Read by Cherry Jones
Size: 274 MB
Rate: 96 kbps
Length: Unknown
"Laura has started teaching and she is forced to live away from home for the first time. Only one thing gets her through the lonely weeks—every weekend, Almanzo Wilder takes Laura home to visit her family. But Almanzo’s not the only one who’s interested …"
A letter written by Laura to a friend after donating her books to a library
LHP These Happy Golden Years 01 - 03.zip
LHP These Happy Golden Years 04 -06.zip
LHP These Happy Golden Years 07 - 09.zip