I'm afraid I can't find anything on this site without hours of hunting. Can any of you tell me if there is a special place for Big Finish Sherlock Holmes? I don't want to buy the latest one if it's hidden in one of these groups. Mr. Kelley requested Dorian Gray and I could get that and share it if I wasn't duplicating purchases already made and posted somewhere around here.
Thanks a million, Bob. And thanks for the search tips. I knew there had to be a system.
"System" is far too generous a word for the arcane processes used at Ning. :<)
LOL. I'm relieved at reading your humorous post. I was almost sure someone was going to pop up and tell me how daft I was at the simple process. If you're a long time member, I'm sure it does seem simple after awhile.
Even after your help, I have just realized, even though I searched and sent pms to people to insure I didn't spend unnecessary money or duplicate audiobooks and posts, that somehow, I did exactly that. I was hard pressed to decide between two of my favorite Big Finish genres and decided to get Dark Shadows since Melissa has been so generous in sharing....only to buy and post one that has already been posted.
The only appropriate reply to that tale of woe is
I've done the same with several of the ZBS productions. Rick and I finally coordinated our purchases privately before ordering and posting each new offering. :>)
I'll post my collection of BF Holmes in a separate message. Perhaps we can similarly coordinate these.
My BF Holmes:
Series 1:
1 - The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes (160 kbps multiple files)
2 - Sherlock Holmes - The Last Act (128 kbps 2 parts)
3 - Holmes and the Ripper (256 kbps multiple files)
4 - The Speckled Band (192 kbps single file)
Series 2: (all at 256 kbps with "extras")
2.1 The Final Problem and The Empty House
2.2 The Reification of Hans Gerber
2.3 The Hound of the Baskervilles
2.4 The Tangled Skein
Hi Jamie!
The Big Finish Holmes are here:
The trick to hunting on TP is to go to the category, then scroll down to the "Show All" link.
Once you displat "all" of the threads (it actually only shows about 20), then the search function works fine.