"The Bed & Breakfast Burglar" by Sue Lenier

Connie and Victor have spent thousands on doing up their old house in Margate, and they expect to get a very good price for it. A prospective buyer is due in the morning - so why on earth did the burglar have to choose this night to break in, in search of art and antiques?

The thief is soon asking himself the same question. It's not as if there was anything worth stealing! And if Connie and Victor think their house is worth half a million, they'd better think again...

Can there be a happy ending? It all depends on who has the upper hand!


(The link will take you to the Hosiprog store. To listen or download, left-click on the programme title.)



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  • Hi Roger: This one seems quite appropriate for me since I'm moving early August to smaller digs!

    Cheers, katy
    • Old Jewish joke:

      "Hymie! So sorry to hear that your warehouse burnt down!"

      "Sh! That's next week. Next week!"

      Just don't get any ideas, Katy...

  • Had the opportunity to listen to this last night. Very funny.
    Thanks for sharing.
    • That's very good to know! This is the first Hosiprog production since Dennis Rookard died - and it proves that our new sound engineer, John Rhodes, has the magic touch.

      It also proves that Sue Lenier and the Essex Audio Theatre company are rather brilliant. They've set a high standard for the Old Court Radio Theatre Company to match...

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