AN EARLY STORY and a late one, each in its own way unusual.

Sherlock Holmes told his friend Watson that the case of "The Gloria Scott " was the beginning of his career as a professional detective. It occurred during his student days, and it concerned theft, murder and blackmail - but it gave Holmes little opportunity to exercise his deductive skills. The complex problem of "Wisteria Lodge", on the other hand, gave him plenty of scope. - and set him in friendly rivalry with Inspector Baynes of the Surrey Constabulary, the only police official who was unarguably his equal as a detective.

JIM CROZIER and DAVE HAWKES play Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, with IVOR JEVONS, MARK PRESTON, VINCE WEBB, JESSE POWIS, ANGIE BUDD, CYRIL BAGSHAW, SIMON THOMAS, LINDSAY LLOYD, DEAN HEMPSTEAD, DANNY SEGETH and BRIAN ADRIAN. The plays were written by M J Elliott, directed by Roger Johnson and produced by Dennis Rookard for Hosiprog Productions.

The scripts are copyright © 2008 by M J Elliott. The recorded production is copyright © 2008 by the Old Court Radio Theatre Company.

You'll find all the Old Court Radio Theatre Company's recordings on the Sherlock Holmes Society of London's website at

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