CATRACKED by John Carter, adapted by John Glasscock



Julie's not having a good day. Her husband Ben spends most of his time mending clocks and tinkering with the kitchen appliances. Their daughter Kate calls round now and then, usually when she wants something. The only one Julie can rely on is Furballs the cat.


So when she comes home in a filthy temper, she naturally expects a friendly feline welcome. Instead she finds Kate's new boyfriend in the kitchen. The floor is flooded, and he has no trousers on. And Furballs is nowhere to be seen.


It's all perfectly innocent, of course. Well, fairly innocent. And Furballs isn't exactly missing. It's just that, unknown to Julie and Ben, he's been topping up his diet at the neighbours' houses, so he's put on a bit of weight - quite a lot of weight, in fact - and he's stuck firmly in the cat flap.


Can things get worse? Yes, of course they can!


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  • Thanks for these. Essex is a fine audio drama group.

    Do you have the cast list?
    • They're very good, aren't they?

      Here's the cast list:

      Julie Neave – Froda Mannion
      Ben Neave – John Glasscock
      Kate Neave – Angela Neville
      Barty Moxon – John Lawrence
      Stan Peterson – Peter Seaman
      Furballs the cat – Marian Neville

    • Thanks! And, yes, they are VERY good!
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