Shoggoth's Old Peculiar by Neil Gaiman
Earbud Theater - Only 16 Minutes long, but good.
and Ebook (MOBI) below
July 12, 2012
Young American Ben Lassiter is touring the British coastline when he's forced to take refuge from the rain at a pub in the town of... Innsmouth. Here he meets the peculiar Seth and Wilf who have something to teach Ben about life, Lovecraft, death and unspeakable horror. Adapted by Casey Wolfe and performed by Jake Borelli, Simon Verlaque, Rees Pugh and Joanne McCallin, please sit back and enjoy a pint of Shoggoth's Old Peculiar.
Ooh - I like the look of this! Thanks, Rick.
A bit more about Earbud theater, which is a podcasting audio dramna group:
What is Earbud Theater?
Even though we're a little short to be a stormtrooper, Earbud Theater is here to rescue you. In spite of the volume and hugeness of popular entertainment, only a small percent of it ever truly engages your imagination. By nature of our format, you're already part of the story - "It's all in your head." We come from a background in big studio feature films, you know, those multi-million dollar movies created by committee, so the desire to break free of institutional storytelling limits could not
have been bigger, and so we are: here.
Here we are unconstrained, no one tells us what do and there are no rules to be followed. Which means the story exists unencumbered and free to have its way with you. We are unshackled by budget, demographic studies, a boss, his boss and his boss' faulty magic 8-ball. We don't have to bow to market research, focus groups, test audiences, brand managment, corporate morality, corporate amorality, or the vicious Albino Gnomes of B'hiel Rhey'ya who... well, it's best if you don't know what they're up to. You need your sleep. But the question wasn't about gnomes. It was about Earbud Theater. What
is it?
Earbud Theater is here to rescue you from "there's nothing on tv" even though there are nine thousand channels from which to choose. Earbud Theater is here to rescue you from the summer blockbusters that have you leaving the theater so unfulfilled. Most of all - Earbud Theater is here to rescue you from what you think you know... and give you a chance to
participate along the way...
1 - Shift by Casey Wolfe
June 21, 2012
Welcome to Earbud Theater and the launch of our first podplay! Written by Casey Wolfe and performed by Matthew Henerson and Allison Karman, SHIFT is a wicked and chilling tale about Dr. Katherine Block, a budding psychiatrist and single mother who is about to learn that one of her patients exhibits a most fascinating and peculiar trait... the ability to
"shift." Listen if you dare...
2 - Auld Acquaintance by Eric Del Carlo
June 28, 2012
Earbud Theater is proud to bring you our second release, AULD ACQUAINTANCE. Written by Eric Del Carlo and performed by Sean Galuszka, Kelly Daly and Meeghan Holoway, this story takes place in your not too distant future at a New Year's Eve party so profound you couldn't possibly forget it. Could you? Please enjoy this one-of-a-kind story.
3 - Ethan Burrows' Final Broadcast by ???
July 5, 2012
Ethan Burrows was (is?) a radio personality who spent the hours from midnight until four in the morning debunking the supernatural and demeaning true believers. Until the day came when proof showed up on his doorstep. Thanks to Adam Lamb, Rees Pugh and Sean Keller for pointing me in the direction of this bit of "found audio."
4 - Shoggoth's Old Peculiar by Neil Gaiman
July 12, 2012
Young American Ben Lassiter is touring the British coastline when he's forced to take refuge from the rain at a pub in the town of... Innsmouth. Here he meets the peculiar Seth and Wilf who have something to teach Ben about life, Lovecraft, death and unspeakable horror. Adapted by Casey Wolfe and performed by Jake Borelli, Simon Verlaque, Rees Pugh and Joanne McCallin, please sit back and enjoy a pint of Shoggoth's Old Peculiar.
5 - Clang! by Casey Wolfe
October 12, 2012
As any parent knows, balancing work and family can be difficult to say the least. For Gern and Betty Steadfast the two are about to slam together with a great... big... CLANG! Earbud is proud to present the acting talents of Stephen Tobolowsky, Meeghan Holoway, Sean Keller, Alex Wagner and Lindsay Zana in what is our most ambitious (and fun) podplay to date.
6 - Beneath The Basement by Doug TenNapel
November 16, 2012
There's no better debunker than Dr. Fullbright. You've probably seen his website where he offers anyone $100,000 for proof of a spiritual entity. He and his trusty cameraman Neville Dylan have never encountered a case that can't be promptly dismissed as a hoax, a delusion or utter malarky. But a visit to one Natalie Jessup just might put the real deal right in their
cynical laps. Starring Mike Duffy, Lindsay Zana, Sabrina Stoll and Matthew Henerson, please enjoy Doug TenNapel's "Beneath The Basement."
I have all six (plus maybe a few more not listed) if anyone is interested
Thank You!
Cool, thank you! :)