This group is for all Horror posts The only exception is to Audio Books for books and Headphones if you feel the sound warrants it.

Merry Christmas, you know Slay Bells, Demented Elves, Ghosts of Christmas past, Vampires under the mistletoe and don't forget to impale your Angel on top of your tree everyone. -----------  R

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  • Roger:

    I have it. I'll post it in this group later today as time permits.


  • Did anyone record "A Date With Dyall" on BBC Radio 4 Extra on Halloween? My digital radio appears to have died...

      Valentine Dyall  

    BBC Radio 4 Extra marks the 80th anniversary of the radio debut of the original 'Man in Black', Valentine Dyall. We do like his jacket!

    Jonathan Rigby presents our 3 hour showcase and unlocks the vaults of the BBC sound archives to explore Valentine Dyall's broadcasting career. He reveals the enduring appeal of Dyall's most memorable character, the menacing and creepy raconteur 'The Man In Black' and along the way he lifts the lid on some classic radio horror moments.



  • thank great

  • Thanks for the upload Bob.

    Big sound improvement over my former cassette copy. Really good.

    Much appreciated.

  • I like the first one

  • thanks! No problem!

  • As far as I know Justin it hasn't been released yet.  Oh and from now on when you want to ask for something here join Private requests and ask there.  that is where anyone who is going to fill requests will look. 

    Link to DART

  • Hey!

    Does anyone have the Dark Adventure Radio production of Herbert West - Reanimator?

    Can't find it on here...


  • Thanks a million for letting me join!
  • Thanks Rik

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