Pickman's Model by HP Lovecraft (ARTC)

Pickman's Model

By HP Lovecraft

Atlanta Radio Theater Company


The story revolves around a Bostonian painter named Richard Upton Pickman who creates horrifying images. His works are brilliantly executed, but so graphic that they result in his membership in the Boston Art Club being revoked and himself shunned by his fellow artists.

The narrator is a friend of Pickman, who, after the artist's mysterious disappearance, relates to another acquaintance how he was taken on a tour of Pickman's personal gallery, hidden away in a run-down backwater slum of the city. As the two delved deeper into Pickman's mind and art, the rooms seemed to grow ever more evil and the paintings ever more horrific, ending with a final enormous painting of an unworldly, red-eyed and vaguely canine humanoid balefully chewing on a human victim.

Pickman's Model by HP Lovecraft LINK

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  • Love this story...thanks for posting !

    • I am going through my hard drives and organizing and labeling.  These were under To File and dated 2010 LOL!!  ----------------  R

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