As promised, i have uploaded my Lovecraft collection to the cloud. This rather large collection includes:
Atlanta Radio Theatre
Journey with us to Lovecraft’s New England, a dark and fantastic region that doesn’t quite exist on any contemporary map or atlas. Down these roads you won’t find Boston or Cape Cod. These lead to gable-roofed Arkham, and the ivy-cloaked halls of Miskatonic University — To the shadow-haunted villages of Dunwich and Innsmouth. In this New England, the greens are a bit too deep, and the night comes a bit too fast. And what you don’t know isn’t nearly as frightening… as what you do. Welcome, traveller. Welcome to New England. And the worlds of H P Lovecraft.
At the Mountains of Madness (ARTC)
The Call of C'thulhu (ARTC)
The Dancer in the Dark (Fuller ARTC)
The Dunwich Horror (ARTC)
The Rats in the Walls (ARTC)
The Shadow Over Innsmouth (ARTC)
I believe that these are already here, but Search doesn't find them, so I've reposted them.
19 Nocturne Boulevard
These are wonderful readings by Julie Hoverson whose podcast and website seem to have gone dormant. There are 29 stories in the collection plus a separate subset called The Lovecraft 5, which are short dramas written by Hoverson, inspired by Lovecraft, where five friends meet over dinner to tell tales of horror.
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre (DART)
With the exception of Dagon, these are well-written and faithful to the Lovecraftian originals.
At the Mountains of Madness (DART)
Colour Out of Space (DART)
Dagon: War of Worlds (DART)
Herbert West, Re-animator (DART)
Shadow Out of Time (DART)
The Call of Cthulhu (DART)
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (DART)
The Dreams in the Witch House (DART)
The Dunwich Horror (DART)
The Shadow Over Innsmouth (DART)
Miscellaneous readings, etc.
This section is exactly what the title implies - a small collection of NOC recordings.
Brown Monkey Audio
Not exactly canonical Lovecraft ... :>)
A 2 1/2' tall toy stuffed monkey named Brownie and Sherman, an erudite 9 1/2' tall polar bear from the Arctic, have fun and adventures. It's been called "hilarious","annoying", and "stupid". Their catalogue of productions includes parodies of OTR, Lovecraft, and 80's television.
I caution you to download only one of these and to try it. You'll either love them or hate them. No sense wasting bandwidth on something you'll discard with the leftover herring.
Brown Monkey's 'At the Mountains of Madness'
Brown Monkey's 'Call of Cthulhu'
Brown Monkey's 'Dreams in the Witch House'
Brown Monkey's 'Dunwich Horror'
Brown Monkey's 'Reanimator'
Brown Monkey's 'Shadow Over Innsmouth'
Brown Monkey's 'The Christmas Color Out of Space'
Brown Monkey's 'The Rats in the Walls'
Brown Monkey's 'The Shadow out of Time'
and, finally, the link to all this madness
and the password:
Count me in as a Brown Monkey fan -- I first heard them when they were posted on Julie Halverton's site.
A truly strange brain created these.
Julie Hoverson (19 Nocturne Boulevard and her excellent podcast on writing) is brilliant. The creator of Brown Monkey is also brilliant, but twisted. :>)
My word - this looks pretty special! Thanks, Bob.
Thanks for sharing.
Brown Monkey is a completely new one on me btw - it looks interestingly bonkers!
Let me know if you like them - it's an acquired taste. If you do, there are parodies of Star Trek, James Bond, Holmes and others.
You never cease to stop thrilling me! - at least in audio terms :)
Thank you!
Thanks, Bob. Great collection. My dh is thrilled, which is nice too. We've been listening to the Beeb's Mountains of Madness, read by Richard Coyle, lately. We needed some more HP, thanks!
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this all together! Having all this in one place is truly appreciated.