Deep Night (CBC) 2005

Deep Night

Let's look at the CBC's 2005 show called Deep Night. The CBC has had a long history of doing these kind of supernatural/horror anthologies, shows like Vanishing Point and Nightfall.

This caught my eye, and my ear, it is a fairly recent CBC Radio Drama series called Deep Night. It’s clearly in the CBC radio drama tradition of shows like Nightfall. I have fond memories of the original broadcasts of Deep Night.  I lived fairly near the US/Canada border and picked up nighttime broadcasts from the CBC easily as  it aired on summer evenings a few years ago.  The theme music is what took me first and then I started to listen.  The stories are somewhat familiar, but the acting is quite good. I must say that even thought the scripts are based on story lines that are familiar the acting more than made up for it. It has a thumbs up from me.  ------------------------------------------  R

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  • If it's as good as Nightfall I will be very happy. Thanks

    • Just listened to "Someone just for me" - loved it. Looking forward to the rest now.

    • They are quite good,  -----------------------------------  R

    • Unfortunately I came to the end :( The last one seemed to indicate there were others. Any ideas?

    • Deep Night was a summer replacement series. I have seen logs that claim the existence of an eighth episode, but I have never seen any evidence thereof. I suspect that the log writers (like you and me) are engaging in wishful thinking.

    • I did see somewhere claiming there were 10 episodes. At the end of the 7th episode they certainly seemed to be indicating a next week's episode - unless I got the order wrong?

    • You are correct. Ten episodes were planned, but the series was canceled after these seven were aired. There are unsubstantiated rumors of copies of the other three, but none has ever surfaced, even in the paid collector's market.

    • I think they were taken off the air prematurely.  I have never seen any more than are here anywhere.  ----------------------------------------  R

    • Just gets better. I'm really enjoying these.

  • Thanks

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