Dead Man's Suit
A strange loner buys a suit in a charity shop and it changes his life.
He secures a powerful new job and women notice him for the first time.
Does the suit possess some sort of supernatural power? Or is it
something more sinister? A black comedy by Michael Stewart.
Director/ Producer Gary Brown
Michael Stewart is a former winner of the Alfred Bradley Bursary Award
for writers new to radio; this is his third Afternoon Drama. His novel
'King Crow' was published in 2011 to great critical acclaim.
Ian.....Jeremy Swift
David.....Conrad Nelson
John.....Conrad Nelson
Nicky.....Kate Coogan
Helen.....Natalie Grady
Chardonnay.....Lisa Allen
Waiter.....Hamilton Berstock
Ben.....Isaac Whitmore
Maisie.....Jenna Addinall
"Black comedy" reeled me in. Thanks, Rick.
Thanks Rik for another goodie.
You're welcome Bruce and all. ---------------------- R
I was wondering why I didn't have this one ... until i noticed that it was broadcast today ... :>)
Thank you - this sounds fun !