Dark Adventure Radio Theatre presents their biggest adventure yet in The Brotherhood of the Beast! An epic tale of globe-trotting adventure based on Keith Herber's The Fungi From Yuggoth from Chaosium's celebrated role playing game Call of Cthulhu®. This is a fully dramatized 3 disc super episode that features four different endings!

A consultation in a Boston child-murder case leads Professor Nathaniel Ward and his adventurous colleague Charlie Tower into an investigation of a group called The Brotherhood of the Beast. They follow a trail which takes them across the world as they struggle valiantly to thwart the plans of a doomsday cult insidiously plotting the demise of mankind. Can the Brotherhood be stopped, or has an ancient prophecy accurately foretold the end of days?

At disk 3 choose what character ending you want to listen to and then listen to the conclusion track.




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  • Dear Thomas,

    Thanks so much for a great offering.


  • brilliant thanks

  • Thanks for the new goodie.


  • Wow! Thank you so much! This sounds fun.
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