
Not a documentary, but a play about Harry Houdini, concentrating particularly on his relationship with the spiritualists - particularly Arthur and Jean Conan Doyle. Michael Moloney plays Houdini, with Graham Crowden as Conan Doyle. The play was written and directed by Bob Sinfield for BBC Radio, but I've been unable to discover when it was broadcast. Roger

Houdini by Bob Sinfield.mp3

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    Sunday, 3 November 1996

    A professional magician was the subject of Bob Sinfield's play about the life of Houdini (R2). The great escapologist was married to a woman, played by the brilliant Lorelei King, who couldn't bear the risks he took. As he tore his way out of a straitjacket, she shrieked "Oh Houdini, not wiz ze teece! I cawn't bear ze sought off a dentured spouce!". The story of his determined efforts to discredit the charlatan spiritualists who tried to summon up the ghost of his adored mother was well, if melodramatically, told, in the person of Arthur Conan Doyle, played by a touchingly naif Graham Crowden.

    • Thanks for the info!! ;-)

    • Aha! Thank you, Mike.



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