Anything related to history and biography: including shows, interviews, images, videos, music, folk tales, yarns, events, sports, ect.
REAL OTR News reports from 1937- 1945
Paying respect to the GREAT GENERATION. From a former USN Sailor. SM2 Hollweg.
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The Essay. A personal view by Simon Heffer Journalist and Commentator, broadcast on BBC Radio 3 of the following actors: Alastair Sim, Terry Thomas, Will Hay, Tony Hancock and Sid James. These are 15 minute broadcasts which confirm the views of many of us who valued the characters portrayed by these men.
I couldn't find the 'History and Biography' folder in 'Pogoplug' and so they are there folderless!
Thanks for letting me join.
thanks for the most informative and the real 'reality' shows available.
Thanks for the invite. I'll be happy to join. soon I should have more time to contribute.