
  • Thank you for sharing!   :-)   I am surprised that Mediafire links have lasted this long.   One question though... I notice that the numbering on the episodes skips #7.   Was this a numbering mistake or is there a #7 file not uploaded?

    • As of today, the MediaFire links are no longer there. Would it be possible to repost them?

    • All done above Samuel.  ------------  Enjoy  -----  R

    • Wow! Thank you for such a prompt response!

      You are the best!


  • Rosanna, you're welcome and I'm stubborn when comes to this sort of thing. If I can't complete an upload at one place I'll try another. Rick, usually sites filter the words in any type of attachment or file upload, be it audio, video, or graphic. A couple of years at 4shared, I couldn't upload the audio book version of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch because of the word Naked. At this point, I'm not going to jump through that kind of hoop and alter file names just for an upload. I'll just pick another place to share the files. Hopefully this won't occur when I upload Fat Cats in a couple of days from now.
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