The Shadow Year One

The Shadow Year One

The Shadow: Year One is a 10-issue limited series that not only explores the early days of The Shadow's career, but also his origin and how he recruited his various agents -- all secrets that, up until now... only The Shadow knew!

Issues 1-3 are out and here.       The Shadow Year One LINK

Enjoy  -----------------  R

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  • Thank you...I really like that top picture

  • 2473765963?profile=original

    The Shadow Year One #6 LINK


  • I really don't mind.  Actually I was going to go looking for them later on Usenet.   Again, you saved me the trouble.  I have been playing with my new toy that came today.  It is a Digistor BluRay Burner.  It works like a top.  I have been looking for some way to archive this stuff other than quite expensive 8.5 gig  DVDRDD disks.  I read that BluRay 25 Gig disks were actually cheaper by a little and they are guaranteed for life by Digistor who make the disks too because they don't use plant dyes and that is what fails and the disks die.  I am trying it.  A few months back I tried what people say is the best way is to fill Hard Drives and put them on the shelf or in a Drawer.  Wrong, I read a few days ago that you have to take them out at least every 2 months and put data on and off them.  If you don't, again the organic lubricants dry up and the spindle freezes.  I took down the 2 drives I had stored with info on them and one out of 2 wouldn't spin at all.  The other one was sluggish and lasted long enough for me to get about half the data off it.  All in all I lost about a terabyte of audio.  I have found some of it, for once senility worked in my favor because I forgot to delete them from the working drives on the computer.  So it turned out I only lost about 750 gig but that was a big hit to my collection.  I don't know why I listen to the net.  Disks have always worked for me so far anyways.  Live and learn.  ---------------------------------------------  R

    • OK that's a worry.    I have been backing up my stuff to an external drive and also to disc (first CD and then DVD).    I guess nothing is perfect (or permanent) in this world.

    • Glad to help out. I saw the comics on while getting some Punisher comics for my

    • 2473765089?profile=original

       The Shadow Year One #5 of 8

  • thank you

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