Besides Audio we also have pictures and Movies,now Graphic Novels and Comics. This is for those that never grew out of comics. In this computer age comics have grown up into Graphic Novels and some are excellent. Enjoy!
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Mad Magazine from early 1950's
Several Mad Magazines from the early 1950's in pdf format Mad Magazine early 1950's
Read more…The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack - Chapter 1- 3
I found this Spring-Heeled Jack comic and thought there might be interest here so I uploaded... Enjoy! Link: File: 1 zip file containing 1 cbr formatted comic (7.3 mb) The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack - Chapter 1- 3 (of 3) - Doctor Who Magazine
Read more…Selected Domino Lady Comics
Selected Domino Lady Comics The Domino Lady was a masked pulp heroine who first appeared in the May 1936 issue of Saucy Romantic Adventures. All of her stories were published under the house name "Lars Anderson" owned by the publisher, Fiction Magazines. The author's real identity is unknown. Saucy Romantic Adventures was a "spicy pulp" magazine, a genre that typically featured semi-pornographic short stories. Though writers for these were paid less, the cover price was higher than that of a…
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Same heah in South Carolina. Y'aa see the Stars and Bars evvyweah. --- R
Hmmmm ...
Most folks down heah in Jawjuh believe they DID win.
Captain Confederacy is an alternate history comic book by Will Shetterly and Vince Stone that was published between 1986 and 1992. It tells the story of a superhero created for propaganda purposes in a world in which the Confederate States of America won their independence.
I found another set of Captain Confederacy Comics. I had lost mine in a recent crash. Would there be any interest in them? Let me know. ---------- Rick
Thanks Rick, some awesome content here
Hi Thanks for letting me join your group Richard
Robot Fighter is so good and any you want to post are good with me.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick