Sherlock Holmes & Vampires Of London... Book 01... from Dutch comic publisher Daedalus


"May 1891.
Sherlock Holmes perished while confronting Moriarty. At least, that’s what the press claims. However, Holmes is well and alive and plans on taking advantage of his presumed death to roam the world. That’s when the detective’s darkest investigation begins, which he must resolve as soon as possible, or else the lives of those close to him could be in danger… Not to mention his own."

Sherlock Holmes and The Vampires of London 2:  Dead and Alive

Lead into a trap by Owen Charles, the vampire that is terrorizing London and the royal family. Sherlock Holmes almost died during their first confrontation. He thanks his survival only to the intervention of Joyce Middles. The detective has to start from the beginning again to find new trails, if he wants to save Watson. Because Queen Victoria, furious with the murders in her surroundings, has gone from threads to deeds and puts pressure on Selymes.


Sherlock Holmes & Vampires Of London... Books 01 and 2

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  • BuMP Ahead

  • Elementary my friend. ------------------------------------------ Rick
  • Thank you

  • Thank you Rick, I just love Sherlock Holmes,in any form.............Elaine
  • Many thanks for this blood-curdling story :-)
    • You are entirely welcome  ---------------------------------------------  Rick
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