True or False originated in Ohio and was hosted by Dr. Harry Hagen. One of its sponsors was the sensually aromatic Aqua Velva After Shave. Not a lot of money involved......$5.00 with a grand prize of $25.00!!!
The program first aired in 1937 and lasted at least four years that I know of.
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Are you getting senile? The show posted here is the only one in circulation and then no show posted. LOL. And you call me old and senile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick
Dr. Hagen's radio experience began in 1927 when, while studying orthopedic surgery in Kansas City, he broadcast a morning exercise program over a local station. He took his health program to New York and a national network, and later substituted a spelling bee for his keep fit activities........
Can't figure what muscle that was targeting. But whatever.
The show posted here is, to the best of my knowledge, the only one in circulation.
Thanks so much for a neat OTR program.
True or False_9-12-38_ep37-Postal Clerks Vs League of Women Voters.mp3
Can't figure what muscle that was targeting. But whatever.
The show posted here is, to the best of my knowledge, the only one in circulation.