
3 series - I only have 2. Anyone have series 3?

12 episodes 30 minutes | 128/44 | LINK

Dark comedy series about a man lying in hospital in a coma, who lives out a fantasy life of his own creation while his family argue over him from the real world. Stars Neil Pearson from 2006.

Series 1

Switching Off
6/6 Comatose Ben journeys across his brain's landscape, reminding him of Tolkien's Mordor.

Gravity Gets You Down
5/6 Comatose Ben punches his physiotherapist, while Elvis drops in on his unconscious mind.

Switching Off
4/6 Comatose Ben's doctors bring in a psychiatrist, as he recalls his therapy from the past.

Wouldn't You Like to Get Away
3/6 Comatose Ben is taken to a medical conference in Birmingham, but his mind travels to Paris

Don't Bet on It
2/6 TV racing can't bring Ben out of his coma, so what use is his predicting the winners?

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
1/6 Ben is in a coma. While his family wonder how to wake him up, his mind is busy elsewhere.

Series 2

5/6 What would comatose Ben's life be like if it was a Hollywood movie?

Wednesday Morning 3am
4/6 Comatose Ben shares his thoughts with those awake at the darkest hour of the night.

I Want You
3/6 Ben's unconscious mind puts him in a compromising situation with a fellow coma patient.

Things to Do Before You Die
2/6 Comatose Ben travels back to 1973 to find a 'life coach' to motivate him out of his coma.

Mary's Girl Child
1/6 Comatose Ben celebrates Christmas, as the nativity plays out in his unconscious mind.

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