This is from 1974. I didn't know whether to place it here or "Headphones," so i'll place a link over there.

Official National Lampoon Stereo Test and Demonstration Record

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Official National Lampoon Stereo Test and Demonstration Record was a comedy album in LP format which was put out by National Lampoon magazine in 1974. The album was a parody of stereo test and demonstration records, which were used by Hi Fi enthusiasts, in order to test the performance limits of their audio systems. The album, although it is a comedy, is also in some parts a functional test record and includes sounds that can be used, for example, in a Bass test.

Both the album itself and its extensive liner notes were conceived and written by Ed Subitzky. Windy Craig was the producer, and John Hechtman was the sound engineer. The album was voice acted by Subitzky, John Belushi, Chevy Chase and Emily Prager. It was narrated by Stan Sawyer. The liner notes for the album stand as a humor piece in their own right. After each section of liner notes, the reader is "required" to take a multiple choice test, to see if he/she has understood the material. The tracks are entitled as if they are in fact normal audio test tracks, but in reality each one is a piece of sketch comedy. The sketches include subjects such as accidents and other extreme events which generate unusual sounds.

Track listing

Side 1

1. Introduction to Side One
2. Test: Voice
3. Test: Balance
4. Demonstration: Several Parameters
5. Demonstration: Separation
6. Demonstration: Frequency Response
7. Test: Unmodulated Grooves
8. Special Service
9. Test: End of Side One

Side 2

1. Introduction to side 2
2. Test: Realism
3. Resistance Accuracy
4. Test: Phasing
5. Test: Exaggeration
6. Test: Listener
7. The Punishment Band
8. Conclusion

National Lampoon Stereo Test Side

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