Odysseus on an Iceberg
By Alick Rowe
SNT 1985-10-19
A humorous parody -The title refers to a navigational error made by Odysseus in travelling from one part of Europe to another - he went too far south. This is the story of Odysseus's return after twenty years of trying to find Greece, and comfronting his wife's 112 suitors. Homer describes the scene : '... so did Odysseus' party chase the suitors pell- mell through the hall and hack them down. Skulls cracked, the hideous cries of dying men were heard, and the whole floor ran with blood.....' Alick Rowe's version is more plausible; listen to this and learn what really happened.
Odysseus - Hugh Dickson
Penelope - June Barrie
Chorus - Stephen Thorne
Chorus - Christian Rodska
Crew - Neil Stacey
Crew - Eric Allen
Crew - Alex Jennings
Telemachus - Timothy Bentinck
Eumaeus - David March
Eurycleia - Margot Boyd
Suitor - Andrew Hilton
Suitor - Geoffrey Bateman
Suitor - Patrick Malahide
Suitor - Mark Straker
Suitor - Angela Phillips
Melinda Walker
Polly Wilson
Gilly Bond
Paul Nicholson
Maggie McCarthy
Directed in Bristol by Shaun MacLoughlin
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