My Blue Heaven..Trilogy

My Blue Heaven

Written and Directed by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran.

Graham's life is not going the way he wants it to and he really starts to worry when he realizes he's being interviewed for a job by his imaginary friend from childhood all grown up.
Graham....Chris LanghamGriselda....Rebecca FrontDottie....Phyllida LawLaz....Toby LongworthViolet....Polly FrameDr Bloom....Jo Brookes

Afternoon Play
First broadcast 20061025


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  • Thank you

  • Many thanks- this refreshingly different. Cheers, Dave.
  • Special thanks to William Warren for additional files and info

    My Blue Wedding

    First broadcast 20071205

    Graham Slater thinks he may be having a nervous breakdown, possibly because his imaginary friend is insisting that Graham helps him choose a wife.

    Graham....Chris Langham
    Griselda....Rebecca Front
    Dottie....Phyllida Law
    Laz....Toby Longworth
    Violet....Polly Frame
    Dr Bloom....Jo Brookes

    William Warren

    Grey Expectations

    By Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran.
    You can have too much money.
    Graham Slater has 200 billion pounds to get rid of, since most of the world's toxic loans have materialised in his office - which happens to be in a parallel universe.
    Graham....Stephen Mangan
    Griselda....Rebecca Front
    Dottie....Phyllida Law
    Laz....Toby Longworth
    Mrs Grayson....Polly Frame
    Cabby....Matt Addis
    Directed by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran.
    A CPL production for BBC Radio 4.



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