A brand new comedy series by Harry Venning (Clare in the Community) about how a young woman with no life experience is desperate to share it with people even younger than herself.

Coach Karen is the new coach of an under-13 girls football team called the Hopperton Hoops. They're not the most successful team in the league, in fact they've never won a game. And under Karen, this record is unlikely to change.

Episode 1: Karen shares her secret past with her avid young audience.

Episode 2: Polly's Dad makes an appearance in the dressing room with some very unwelcome advice to Karen.

Episode 3: Karen tries to toughen up the girls with fighting talk and terrifying new names.

Episode 4: Karen and the team play away and are seduced by the luxurious dressing rooms. And sweets.

Episode 5: Polly's Dad attempts a coup d'etat and the girls have to decide where their loyalties lie.


Coach Karen.......Karen Fishwick

Scarlett.......Eva Woodbridge

Polly.......Carla Abbott

Daisy.......Clara Shepherd-Thompson

Ava.......Iona Milward

Kirsty.......Safia Kadri

Ajoba.......Hana Doe

Tilly.......Catie Shakespeare-Kearns

Polly’s dad.......Alex Lowe

Writer: Harry Venning

Director/Producer: Alison Vernon-Smith

A Sweet Talk production

Size 61MB. Length 67 Minutes. Bitrate 128kbps.




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  • Dear William,

    Thank you so much for providing this nice offering.


  • Cheers!

  • Thanks, William!

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