A Month of June (Whitfield)

Spray the Grass Green

By Andy Merriman and Peter Morfoot

 The first of four comedies written for the many voices of legendary actor June Whitfield.


 It is 1939 and June plays the slightly fading Hollywood star Lana Garfield contracted to Tantamount Pictures run by the notoriously difficult and womanising studio head, Al Seltzer. Miss Garfield is writing her autobiography with the assistance of British ghost writer George Creighton (David Haig), but is shocked when she hears on a radio gossip programme that Al intends to end her contract. George and his ex-pat cronies take time off from their cocktails and cricket matches to collude with Al's ambitious and glamorous assistant Betty Stevens in exacting an appropriate revenge.


 Lana Garfield..... June Whitfield

 George Creighton..... David Haig

 Al Seltzer..... Patrick Brennan

 Betty Stevens..... Tracy Wiles

 Harry Harcourt-Jones..... Robert Blythe

 Edna Harper..... Amaka Okafor

 Boris Karloff..... Peter Morfoot



Lost and Found

By Andy Merriman and Alison Joseph

The second of four comedies written for the many voices of legendary actor June Whitfield. Retired politician Kate Whittington has agreed to take part in TV reality show Lolly in the Loft.


Kate..... June Whitfield
Virginia..... Marcia Warren
Sam..... Ella Smith
Danny..... Joe Sims
Joel..... Don Gilet
Terence..... Robert Blythe


Now You See Me, Now You Don't

By Andy Merriman and Peter Morfoot

The third of four comedies written for the many voices of legendary actor June Whitfield. There's skulduggery afoot in Mrs. Ramsbottom's safe house for refugees from the Sorcerers' Circle.


Debra Cadabra..... June Whitfield
Kitty French..... Barbara Windsor
Harry Halliday..... Robert Blythe
Billy.... Joe Sims
Fred..... Patrick Brennan
Mrs Ramsbottom..... Christine Absalom




By Andy Merriman and Alison Joseph

The last of four comedies written for the many voices of legendary actor June Whitfield. Romance in a council beach hut is alive and well but perhaps a little cramped for our elderly couple.


Annie Hopkins..... June Whitfield
Digby Pickering..... Richard Briers
Jim Kett..... Patrick Brennan
Martha Denny..... Susie Riddell
Brian Boggis..... Don Gilet
Jason Denny..... Sam Alexander


Director: David Hunter.


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  • So how come I do not know these? Are they new? Oh I see from 2012.

    June Whitfield who should have replaced Humph on SIHAC instead of the lame people they tried and ended up with. GREAT thanks for these.

  • Thanks so much for the offering.


  • Many, many thanks. June Whitfield, Barbara Windsor & the late Richard Briers!

    • You are most welcome.

      If you haven't heard June Whitfield playing Mrs Hudson in "The Newly Discovered Casebook of Sherlock Holmes" from The Definitive Sherlock Holmes Group may I suggest you give it a listen. You will find that another great treasure, Roy Hudd is also there, not to mention Chris Emmett and Jeffrey Holland.

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