A Cinema Near You by Simon Nye

A Cinema Near You Comedy by Simon Nye Broadcast Sat 24 Apr 2010, 22:00, Radio 2, Comedy Showcase 160/44; 33.6 MB; sound quality excellent Alex (Mathew Horne), a cinema manager, is struggling to drum up excitement for a new Swedish art-house film. Unfortunately neither the public nor the staff seem to be the slightest bit interested. On top of that, Alex has to contend with the drunken ramblings of the cinema's elderly owner, Mrs Duke (Caroline Quentin) and the amorous advances of Jane (Mel Hudson), a former arsonist who owns the cafe next door. Also starring Phil Cornwell, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Michael Shelford and Keely Beresford.

Nye 100424-r2 A Cinema Near You.mp3

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  • Thanks so much for a wonderful offering.


  • I have never seen any more of them.  A pity, I agree.  --------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

  • Very FUNNY!  Did they do more than the one?  Sounded like a pilot to me

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