The Mystery Project was produced by CBC Radio (Canada). It aired every Saturday night on CBC Radio One (6:30 p.m. for most of Canada, 7:30 p.m. Maritimes, 8:00 p.m. Nfld.), and is repeated at 3:30 p.m. the following Mondays on Richardson's Roundup, also on Radio One. CBC Radio produces more than 150 hours of original radio drama each year, and they do far more than just mysteries. They are produced in regional centres across the country and in the network studios in Toronto. Their mandate is to, hopefully "reflect the national fabric of Canada and beyond."[1]
The series ran from 1992 until 2002. Each week, casual listeners get to puzzle through a fully dramatized radio-play with a resolved plot, while regular listeners have the added fun of following familiar characters' further adventures. The series was created by the Executive Producer, Bill Howell. Barry Morgan was the co-ordinating producer. With Host Bob Boving.
There may be a few missing due to conflicting lists of the show
Among the many series featured were:
In The Blood by Paul Ledoux
(8 eps)
Midnight Cab by James W. Nichol
(39 eps)
Flynn by Lyal and Barbara Brown
Pocket City Blues by Charles Tidler
(4 eps)
House Detective Beckerby Martin Kinch
(13 eps in 12 plays, the last of which was in two parts)
Albert's Fatherby Henry Comor
(5 eps)
Clean Sweep by Alf Silver
(30 eps)
Bailey's Way by Gordon Pengilly
(13 eps)
Recipe for Murder 1-4 and Recipe For Murder 5-8 by Don Druick
(8 eps)
The Old Guy by Paul Ledoux
Fallaway Ridge by Eve Crawford and Cathy Dunphy
(4 eps)
The Investigations of Quentin Nickles by John Richard Wright
(20 eps)(the last 3 eps never broadcast)
Peggy Delaney by James W. Nichol
(39 eps)
(3 eps)
(5 eps)
(2 eps)
(2 eps)
(2 eps)
(20 eps)
(2 eps)
(2 eps)
(2 eps)
(2 eps)
(8 eps)
(5 eps)
(5 eps)
(2 eps)
(7 eps)
(3 eps)
(2 eps)
(3 eps)
(2 eps)
(6 eps)
(3 eps)
(2 eps)
Listened to all 13, but forgot to say thanks. Loved the shows - they were better than the shows with Sidney Greenstreet in my opinion.
They all seem to be here except Murder Repeats Itself.
Is there any chance it might be re-uploaded?
Act quickly if there are any files that you want. They will all be deleted tomorrow or Wednesday to assit in bringing our total under 500 GB.
They will likely return after January1st, although not as TP attachments.
Many thanks Bob.
Still trying to get what I can here as despite having registered on the new site I am not listed as a member and can't join any groups there....not sure what is wrong but I went via the register link that was sent me and SEEM to login correctly but from there on it behaves as if I'm not a member and asks me to login to join a group and the loop continues.
I'm at a loss as to a solution so I'm still trying to get stuff here but files are migrating daily and my Western favorites have mostly gone.
As far as I know it is unavailable. -------------------------------------------------------- R
Incorrect, my good sir :>)
It is simply the CBCMP version of Inspector Cadin - Murder Repeats Itself which was broadcast on the BBC in 2001
I've made a quick RAR of the CBC files and placed them HERE.
Password CadinCBCMP
Yes ! Thanks Rick! I just finished the series "Clean Sweep", and I must agree with Wayne - it IS totally genuine. Brilliant character development. Family depicted has normal challenges ( illness, financial problems, lay-offs, etc ) and although this obviously isn't the JIST of the series - but makes these characters more realistic. May not be the most "head-scratching " mysteries - but really well done. Eager to hear some more of these great offerings !
Thank you Riklaa....I had heard most of these before but even I have to confess that you have the complete Mystery Project plus some extras here!
Midnight Cab is generally the favorite of most people but my favorite is Clean Sweep.....absolutely genuine and worth a listen.
I'll check out 1 episode and see what the quality is like but the series is excellent.
Thanks again and cheers from North Canada