Deep Night (2005-CBC)

Deep Night

Let's look at the CBC's 2005 show called Deep Night. The CBC has had a long history of doing these kind of supernatural/horror anthologies, shows like Vanishing Point and Nightfall.

This caught my eye, and my ear, it is a fairly recent CBC Radio Drama series called Deep Night. It’s clearly in the CBC radio drama tradition of shows like Nightfall. I have fond memories of the original broadcasts of Deep Night.  I lived fairly near the US/Canada border and picked up nighttime broadcasts from the CBC easily as  it aired on summer evenings a few years ago.  The theme music is what took me first and then I started to listen.  The stories are somewhat familiar, but the acting is quite good. I must say that even thought the scripts are based on story lines that are familiar the acting more than made up for it. It has a thumbs up from me.  ------------------------------------------  R

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  • I loved Vanishing Pint and Nightfall, and these are just as great. What genus to use the title song "Deep Night" by Rudy Vallee. The sense of this 1920s crooner singing from out the past, is incredibly atmospheric. Thanks so much for sharing these. 

  • I have said for quite a while now that "Someone Just for Me" from Deep Night is the creepiest audio drama I've ever heard. Thanks for the link.
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