Alfred Hitchcock Presents is an American television anthology series hosted and executive produced by Alfred Hitchcock, which aired on CBS and NBC between 1955 and 1965. It featured dramas, thrillers, and mysteries. By the time it premiered on October 2, 1955, Hitchcock had been directing films for over three decades. Time magazine named it one of "The 100 Best TV Shows of all time".
Join the legendary "Master of Suspense," Alfred Hitchcock, in every original episode from all seven seasons of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, the Emmy Award-winning mystery-suspense series that, in the words of Hitchcock himself, "brought murder back into the home - where it belongs." Precursor to The Twilight Zone, these classic tales of menace and mayhem loaded with twists, turns and things that go bump in the night. The incredible guest cast includes Bette Davis, Charles Bronson, Roger Moore, Vera Miles, Claude Rains, Joseph Cotton, William Shatner, Vincent Price, Jack Klugman, Peter Lorre, Walter Matthau, Leslie Nielsen, Elizabeth Monthgomery, Steve McQueen, Robert Redford and more
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