I am now part of a new media outlet team for 2012 & wanted to share will all my friends here at Ning network. Visit please visit & listen in.
My offer today was approved with the other co-owners of US Web Talk Radio to present this limted time offer to the members of the Ning network. Please let me know you are this network and we will help you do your very own radio show, we will offer this:
56min Internet radio show (taped)
Free webpage from our site about your radio show program.
Intro & exit music for your shows.
Limited extra replays of your radio show for the next 90days free!!
Our rates are the lowest on the internet - we will not ask for much from our radio hosts, I want you to be with "US" as we grow in the days ahead.You may have a desire to have an conserative political radio show or have a show that relates to your professional career or just a desire to talk about old cars its all up to you, give it a try now!!
As a host on US Web Talk Radio - you will obtain your paid advertisers to run commericals which will far exceed your cost of your show thus making you a possible profit. US Web Radio does not ask for any kick back of this revenue this
is your 100%.
Again, visit
read about us & feel free to e mail us with any questions. "Come Grow with "US" at US WebRadio.Com"
I am now part of a new media outlet team for 2012 & wanted to share will all my friends here at Ning network. Visit please visit & listen in.
My offer today was approved with the other co-owners of US Web Talk Radio to present this limted time offer to the members of the Ning network. Please let me know you are this network and we will help you do your very own radio show, we will offer this:
56min Internet radio show (taped)
Free webpage from our site about your radio show program.
Intro & exit music for your shows.
Limited extra replays of your radio show for the next 90days free!!
Contact US Web Talk Radio for more details at
Our rates are the lowest on the internet - we will not ask for much from our radio hosts, I want you to be with "US" as we grow in the days ahead.You may have a desire to have an conserative political radio show or have a show that relates to your professional career or just a desire to talk about old cars its all up to you, give it a try now!!
As a host on US Web Talk Radio - you will obtain your paid advertisers to run commericals which will far exceed your cost of your show thus making you a possible profit. US Web Radio does not ask for any kick back of this revenue this
is your 100%.
Again, visit
read about us & feel free to e mail us with any questions. "Come Grow with "US" at US WebRadio.Com"
Wishing you the very best in 2012.
Richard Bernier