Willit and Scrope by Mike Walker

Willit and Scrope
by Mike Walker
Directed by Christopher Venning

Afternoon Theatre, 26 January 1979

80/44/mono; 30.9 MB; sound quality fair
The start, from which a short bit might be missing,
has rough sound for about 10 seconds

Why has the graveyard been disturbed?  What has happened to the Salisbury Cup?  And should anyone trust a reverend gentleman who wears ill-fitting teeth-replacers? These and many other questions will be answered in this afternoon's play. (Radio Times)

Mr. Willit.....................Geoffrey Bayldon
Mr. Scrope....................Terence Alexander
The Revd. Treece................Timothy Bateson
Gower...............................Fred Bryant
Janey.............................Susan Derrick
P.C. Truelove......................Philip Sully
Thompson.........................Danny Schiller
Macabee...............................Ian Frost

Willit and Scrope Link

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  • Thank you for this


    • You are welcome for all.  -------------------------------------------  Rick

  • Thanks...I'll also thank you for the Plantagenet 1 series. 

    • Thanks for the Thanks on Both.  --------------------------------------------  Rick

    • Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for the thanks.  ----------------  Rick

  • Hi Rick,

       Thanks for this one!     


    • And you Gayle are most welcome also.  -------------------------------------  Rick

  • Very nice  ... a Mike Walker that I don't have!

    Thanks, Rick


    • You are most welcome.  -------------------------------------------------------  Rick

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