Welcome, These Pleasant Days!
By Michael Robson
SNT 30.1.1982
Elizabeth Proud/Nigel Anthony
This appears to be a rather odd story of stolen silver and the person who stole it. Any more than that I cannot tell you because i have only had time to scan it. If anyone else has more info then by all means add the text. I will appreciate it immensely.
Thanks for posting. WWB
Thanks. I hadn't had any SNT programs until you started to post them recently. Now I've got quite a few. I'll keep the folder open if you think there will be more in the future. (I don't have much background info about this program.)
There will be more. I am up to 1982 and I have to 1998 to go. As I told someone, these are mainly just the lost SNT shows and now found with the BB collecting them from those that illegally recorded them all these years. It was illegal to record them and the BBC was foolish and recorded over them to be frugal. They sent out a plea to those that had recorded them and said they would not prosecute and if you sent in a lost recording you would get it back on CD in better quality after the BBC had done all they could to make them broadcast quality again. What I am trying to say is that there are more to come and that there are 10 others to each one that I had in my collection before. I will endeavor to post some of those after I finish the lost/found shows.
I read about their Alistair Cooke Letters From America project -- same thing except they didn't mention it was illegal.
I haven't heard about any more additions to Springbok in SA -- those recordings came from all over the world. I haven't been too thrilled with the SA programs though, except for The Avengers.
On a similar (and more ridiculous) note: it seems that the major record companies had been downloading tons of "illegal" music from record collectors' blogs for years because they don't have any master tapes. The latest collector to speak up is from Ohio, and he was able to identify two of the 12 tracks (on an Amazon download) as his transfers from vinyl.
oops, meant to delete one and got them all. How about we talk on a PM Kurt if you have any more on that subject.
Thank you, Rick!