Uma Rao is the daughter-in-law of Bangalore’s deputy commissioner of police. Her husband is a superintendent. The writer Mahesh Dattani is one of the most respected of Indian playwrights.
Uma Rao 1 - Seven Circles Around the Fire
When she starts research into the Hijra (eunuch) community for her university thesis, she unravels a thread of corruption that leads back to the cream of Bangalore society.
Uma Rao 2 - The Swami and Winston
A case for the intrepid Uma Rao, daughter-in-law of Bangalore's deputy commissioner of police, and wife of the superintendent. Lady Montefiore, an ENGLISH aristocrat, has been murdered outside a Hindu temple. An Burberry raincoat and a mischievous dog provide the only clues about the identity of the murderer. With Priyanga Elan, Shiv Grewal and Andrew Wincott. Director: Jeremy Mortimer. Director Cherry Cookson
Uma Rao 3 - Uma and the Fairy Queen
Played out against the backdrop of a hot and bustling Bangalore, a third case for Uma Rao, intrepid sleuth and wife of Suresh Rao, the Police Superintendant, (following Seven Circles Around The Fire and The Swami And Winston). And the play's the thing - in this instance a special production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' put on to mark INDIA's Independence Day. Things go horribly wrong when Michael Forsyth, the leading actor playing Oberon is kidnapped, only to reappear................
Many thanks, Robert! :-)
Thanks. This looks very interesting.
Thank you!
This is different. Thanks so much.
thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the upgrades! My copy of the first play was at a miserable 32kbps.
Your welcome, i think all these were 128kbps.
Yes, they are. :>) I'll be updating my Lady Detectives set with the new encodes.
Thanks, Robert!