Trueman And Riley - Series 3 by Brian B Thompson - BBC7

Trueman And Riley - Series 3
by Brian B Thompson

BBC7 and BB4 Extra

Ignoring all evidence to the contrary, underachieving detectives Trueman and Riley still hope for a return to the front line of policing.

 Trueman - Robert Daws
 Riley - Duncan Preston

Director/Producer - Toby Swift
made especially for BBC Radio 4 Extra

Five episodes x 30 minutes
160/44; 163 MB total; sound quality excellent

 1/5  Every Dog Has His Day
Series three kicks off with the strange case of a murdered greyhound - but will it bring Yorkshire's grumpiest detectives to the notice of the top brass?

 2/5 Angel Delight
A robbery at a Burlesque Club leaves the duo looking at cherries in a different light.

 3/5 Family Business
A man goes missing with 98 grand in bookie's winnings. But no-one seems to know who he is.

 4/5 Green Business
When an environmental activist is knocked off his bike, the detective duo find green issues can be grey.

 5/5 Home Truths
The detectives are challenged by a 14 year old who's more than a chip off the old block.

Trueman And Riley - Series 3 LINK

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  • This is a wonderful parody. Oh, Rick you've done it again- Hammer, head, nail, bang on. Thank you and cheers, Dave.

  • This truly is wonderful show, Rick. Cheers and many thanks. Dave from Down Under

  • I really enjoyed the earlier Trueman and Riley dramas - Cheers Rick! 

    • And Cheers to You too David.  -----------------------  Rick

  • Rick - Thanks for all the series I have really enjoyed them.


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