TOO DEAD TO SWING-A Katy Green mystery

What is Too Dead To Swing? It's a murder mystery with a full cast of actors, and Swing-era songs. The year is 1940, and musician Katy Green gets what should be a great gig: playing Swing music with an all-female band on tour in California. But she soon discovers that somebody is out for blood! TOO DEAD TO SWING begins with an intriguing premise. Hannah Dobryn, a ghostwriter of girl-detective novels in the 1930's, meets Hal Glatzer in 1970. She tells Hal about her Katy Green mystery manuscripts - work that was never published because the books were out of sync with the popular, postwar mystery market. At her death, Hal discovers that Hannah has willed the manuscripts to him - and now he is bringing Katy to life. The year is 1940 and musician Katy Green gets a plum job - playing with an all-girl swing band, the Ultra Belles. Their violinist has had an accident, and the band's leader, Ted Nywatt, offers her the chance to fill in. She hops on a train and travels with them to their gigs. But there are a few problems. First of all, Ted used to be Katy's boyfriend - and the other problem? Although getting out of the band is easy - getting out alive is much harder. Katy noses around in an attempt to find out who is trying to bring down the final curtain on the Ultra Belles. TOO DEAD TO SWING is a delightful and campy romp. The flavor of the 40's is evident in the well-drawn and interesting characterizations. The story is fascinating. I'm so glad Hannah gave Hal her manuscripts. Parts 1-2 of 4



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  • Sounds like fun so thankyou


    • It is fun so you're welcome.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

  • Heaven, I'm in Heaven and to think I just had to download a 1940s swing radio mystery.



    • Thanks so much
  • Hi, Rick -
    What fun! I am midway through and really enjoying this. I love the music and the characters. Thanks so much. Suzanne
    • I got this some 10 years ago, and it still sits upt here with some of the best radio drama I have ever heard.  A great story and great cast recording
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