This is Pulp Fiction

This may not be a Whodunit, but most Whodunit addicts, myself included, are pushovers for Pulp Fiction too. This is Pulp Fiction New series produced for Radio 7 by Frank Stirling at Unique Productions. Peter Marinker reads some of the best in classic American Pulp Fiction, abridged for radio by Nick McCarty. 128/44; sound quality excellent 20081208 1/5 Divide and Conquer (1957) by Jack Ritchie - Tommy's Casino chain is running smoothly till some new blood tries to muscle in. 20081209 2/5 The Getaway (1976) by Gil Brewer - Gangster Vincente is about to make the biggest hit of his career. 20081210 3/5 Black (1932) by Paul Cain - There's a gang war raging, and Black is there to sort things out. 1-3 of 5

This is Pulp Fiction 081208-r7 Divide and Conquer.mp3

This is Pulp Fiction 081209-r7 The Getaway.mp3

This is Pulp Fiction 081210-r7 Black.mp3

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