The Woman In The Woods by Charity Blackstock

The Woman In The Woods
by Charity Blackstock
BBC Home Service
SNT 1963-07-12
Marjorie Westbury/Jo Manning Wilson/Austin Trevor

The decayed body of a woman is found in the woods near Braxham Parva in the English countryside. The village is acutely described, and the main characters are sympathetic. The condition of the body is sensitively but accurately detailed. Everything looks set for a cosy English mystery -- that is until..........

The Novel was nominated for an Edgar Award.

My Thanks to the posters at Usenet

The Woman In The Woods Link

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  • Cheers Rick

    Thanks for this.

    Robert Johnson

  • Thank you, Rick.

    • Thanks for sharing

  • I've just finished Shadow Of Murder and thoroughly enjoyed it,so i'm over the moon to see another Charity Blackstock play so soon. Many thanks Rick!


    • You all are very welcome.  Glad you are enjoying these.  --------------------------------------  Rick.

  • Thanks, Rick!!

  • Thanks again for these old BBC dramas.

  • Many thanks for The Shadow of Murder and this offering.

    As with a lot of authors Charity Blackstock was a pseudonym. Amongst her others were Paula Allardyce,  Lee Blackstock and Charlotte Keepel.

    Her real name was Ursula Torday.

    Her novel Miss Fenny (aka The Woman in the Woods), published in1957 was nominated for a Edgar Award.

    Info courtesy of wikipedia.

    I am saving these plays for the long winter nights which seem to be getting ever closer.






    • Thank You William, I am glad you typed all that, you saved me a lot of work.  I was contemplating putting all that information in the text description of one of the plays but I didn't feel like doing all that typing.

      When you are trying to find info on the plays it is really difficult with so many pen names, especially when you have the same novel published in different countries with a different title and pen name(Author) on each.  The old saying that you cannot find the players without a score card rings very true with this author. LOL ----------  Rick

  • Charity Blackstock is a new author for me - and we get TWO plays!


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