The Windbear by David Ashton

The Windbear
by David Ashton
Directed by Jane Morgan
Broadcast 30th April 1988 (Saturday Night Theatre)
Repeated on Radio 7, 30th January 2011

George Marchbanks, a passionate amateur taxidermist, falls under suspicion when his wife of 25 years goes missing...

With Bernard Hepton [George Marchbanks], Norman Jones [Detective Sergeant Smith], Alex Norton [Detective Constable John McIver], and Stephen Tompkinson [Police Cadet Barraclough]. Other parts played by Anthony Jackson and Kim Wall.

160/44; 99.7 MB; sound quality excellent

Ashton 880430 The Windbear - Radio 7 intro.mp3

Ashton 880430 The Windbear-01.mp3

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  • Rick -

    Thanks again for a wonderful offering to listen to tonight!


  • Thanks Rick.


    Robert Johnson

  • This was great!  Very grim humor, with a great performance from the lead.
  • The Windbear
    by David Ashton
    Directed by Jane Morgan

    Ashton 880430 The Windbear-02.mp3

    • Thank you-look forward to listening



    • Thanks so much for this!  Glad to see you back at the computer.

    • Hi Rick, thanks for this! Glad to see that you're back...I missed you! Hope you are feeling better!!!!!  Abby :)
    • Thank You Abby  --------------  Rick
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