The Tree of Libertyby Nigel Baldwin.

The Tree of Liberty

A 4-part detective series by Nigel Baldwin.

With David Calder.Music by Paula Gardner.

Produced by Alison Hindell

4 hours

In Amiens, 1791, Lt Gen LaCroix tries to police France despite the turmoil of the Revolution.Broadcast 13 March to 3 April 1995

160/44; 260 MB total;
sound quality good

CALDER David ...............Lt Gen Lacroix

HIBBARD Brian...............Monet

POGSON Kathryn .............Charlotte

ROWLANDS Ian ...............Dupont

RODSKA Christian ...........Roland

CHARLESON Brendan ..........Robespierre

HODSON Steve ...............Didier / Panchaud

JONES Bethan ...............Mme Rives

MORGAN Matthew .............Surgeon

ROONEY Lesley ..............Mme Giradoux

LUDDERS Simon ..............Duval

TOMELTY Frances ............Madeleine

RODERICK Sue ...............Mme des Chats / Mme Dupre

WINCOTT Andrew .............Ferrier

HARPER Robert ..............Georges

1: `Friends in High Places'. A local girl is murdered while Robespierre is in town.

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  • The Tree of Liberty by Nigel Baldwin

    4: `Moon Conjunct Uranus'.A young girl's death is linked with a secret magical sect. But as the evidence comes together it seems to point back at Lacroix.

    4 of 4
  • The Tree of Liberty by Nigel Baldwin

    3: `Health of a Nation'. When a doctor is found dead, his son confesses to the murder. But he's got an alibi, so why would he lie?

    3 of 4
  • The Tree of Liberty by Nigel Baldwin

    2: `To be a Pilgrim'. Lacroix calls on the local sorceress to help him solve what appears to be a ritual killing.

    2 of 4
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