The Tallyman by Bill Knox (Thane and Moss)

The Tallyman

 by Bill Knox
SNT 1973-02-06


Beware the Tallyman, a merciless predator...Somewhere in the Millside district of Glasgow a tallyman - an unlicensed loan shark - is preying on people in desperate financial straits. He loans them cash at rates they cannot hope to pay back - and then demands various services in kind. And these 'services' make the Tallyman a one-man crime wave. It's a tough, depressing case for Inspectors Thane and Moss, especially after one of Thane's close friends is found dead - a victim of the brutal moneylender. And so it takes all of Thane's hot-headed drive and Moss's cool determination to flush out the Tallyman - but neither of them is prepared for the final violent confrontation in the heart of Scotland's wild, craggy highlands.

The Tallyman Link

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  • Better and better!

    Cheers Rick

  • Thanks for sharing

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