Drama The Maltese Falcon is a 1930 detective novel by Dashiell Hammett, originally serialized in the magazine "Black Mask". The story has been adapted several times for the cinema. The main character, Sam Spade, appears only in this novel and in three lesser known short stories, yet is widely cited as the crystallizing figure in the development of the hard-boiled private detective genre.
When his partner is murdered in 1928 San Francisco, sleuth Sam Spade is drawn into a statuette riddle. Stars Tom Wilkinson.
Original file has been split in two. If you wish to restore it to one file the program is provided below.
Bitrate 128
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My question is how did you split the file in the first place. I downloaded the file splitter program and can't figure out how to use it. Any suggestions?
Just for you Gypsy, I lowered the bitrate (made it smaller), so that I can put it here in one piece. You can only post under 100 mg to this site and it was too big. Anyways just take the smaller one in one piece.--Rick
Bitrate Lowered to 96
Second Half and program to restore to one file