The Green Hill by John Fletcher

The Green Hill

Thes 2 connected Plays under one main title are an odd set that have a connection that becomes more apparent as you listen.  The first is a SNT and the second (part) is a Monday Play on the Monday 2 days Later.  These plays a re connected.  they are part Mystery, one is almost historical Fiction and the second would be classified as Fantasy or Future Fiction.  I have put them in Mystery because even with all the different genres they embody, they are 2 Mysteries 200 Years apart and they appear to have a connection.

The Druid by John Fletcher
Saturday Night Theatre, 2nd April 1994 @19:50
The first part of 'The Green Hill', two plays set 2000 years apart
In 1984 the perfectly preserved body of a man was found in a peat bog in Cheshire. He had been strangled and drowned. The press dubbed him Pete Marsh. Archaeologists now believe he lived at the time of the Roman invasion, that he was a druid, and was the willing victim of ritual sacrifice. John Fletcher has imagined a different fate in which the Druid is a servant of Queen Boudica used by her as a spy at the time of the revolt of the Iceni against the forces of Rome.

Featuring Diana Quick [Boudica], Kim Wall [Lavernios], Peter Harlow [Gaius], Ian Redford [Suetonius] and Roger Hume [Deccianus].
Other parts by Peter Meakin, Richard Avery, Jonathan Wyatt, Susan Jeffrey, Gillian Goodman and David Holt.

Music composed and performed by Maartin Alcock with Simon Nicol

Directed at Pebble Mill by Nigel Bryant.

The play is followed by a trail for the next week's SNT: Pygmalion.

160/32; 100.4 MB; sound quality very good

The Detective by John Fletcher
The Monday Play, 4th April 1994 @ 19:45
The second part of 'The Green Hill', two plays set 2000 years apart
It is 2025, and London, the great city founded by the Romans, is collapsing. Two detectives in the Metropolitan Police, investigating the sadistic mutilation and murder of a rent boy, are confronted with the full extent of the city's decay.

Adjoa Andoh [Liz], Okon Jones [Langton], Diana Quick [Grett], Brett Usher [Villiers], Simon Egerton [Ansen], Malcolm Ward [Harrington], Dominic Rickhards [Ince] and Roger Hume [The Chief].

Music composed and performed by Maartin Alcock with Simon Nicol

Directed at Pebble Mill by Nigel Bryant.

The play is followed by a gale warning.

160/44; 82.5 MB; sound quality very good
Encode note: gap from 59:22 to 59:26

The Green Hill (2 plays) LINK

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  • Rick -

    Thanks again for another great offering.  I truly appreciate all your postings here.


  • Many thanks, Rick!

  • Thanks

  • This looks like an interesting correlation.  Thanks for this, Rick! 

    • I just skimmed it so far so let me know if it is

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