The Geneva Run By Michael Davies

The Geneva Run
By Michael Davies
SNT 31.12.1983
George Baker/Ian Saynor

A suitcase mix up after a flight from Geneva, a woman found dead in a Hotel room, a Russian dissident, a smuggled letter, an easily misled American and a possible affair are some of the ingredients.   Mix this up with lies, international intrigue and a detective who is a Major and you have a mystery that will keep you enthralled down to the last minute.

The Geneva Run LINK

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  • Thank you for posting.  WWB

    • All Y'all welcome

  • Many thanks, Rick! ! Very engaging radio thriller with excellent performances and plot twists. Excellent sound quality too!


    Sir Robert Klein - George Baker
    David Yahm (?) - Ian Saylor
    John Altwin Lassam - William Roberts
    Ballinger / Koryenko - Nigel Graham    
    Laura - Guinevere John
    Annie Booth - Monica Gray
    Major Cunningham - Ray Handy
    Inspector Crabbe - Ivo Roberts
    Sgt. Lewis - Roger Knot
    Harry Stein - Mark Ralston
    Erica Eryan (?)
    James Benson
    Directed by Edyan Warpy (?)

    • You are quite welcome.  Enjoy!  ----------------  Rick

  • Thanks!

    • Thanks for sharing

  • Can't wait!  Thanks, Rick!

    • I only mentioned some of the twists. LOL

  • Interesting plot twists. If it weren't a good thriller/mystery, it might make a great Britcom.  :>)


  • Thanks!

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