The Colour of Murder

The Colour of Murder
Written in (1957)
A novel by
Julian Symons

John Wilkins, a respectable man from the Com plaints Department, lives an apparently quiet suburban life - but suffers from blackouts. He has a frigid ''refined'' wife , & an over-possessive mother. Then there is Sheila, the dream-girl who can''t say no.
 I have included 2 different Adaptations of the same play by the BBC for your enjoyment.

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  • Thank you very much for both these versions. Much appreciated.
  • Here are some details about each production and a slightly higher encode for each. It is interesting to listen to the different adaptations and directorial viewpoints.

    1991 Cast (19911131)
    David Threlfall
    Natascha Pyne

    EDIT: The 1991 file is slightly too large for this forum. I'll have to RAR-split it.
    Directed by Enyd Williams

    2003 Cast
    John Wilkins ...... Tom Smith
    May Wilkins ...... Clare Corbett
    Sheila Morton ...... Lydia Leonard
    Uncle Dan ...... Don McCorkindale
    Newton ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
    Mrs Wilkins ...... Frances Jeater
    Hayley ...... Andrew Harrison
    Dr Andreadis ...... Ioan Meredith
    Bill Lonergan ...... Ben Crowe
    Mr Likeness ...... Chris Moran
    Dramatised by Yvonne Antrobus.
    Directed by Claire Grove.
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