Edgar Lustgarten was the perfect voice for introducing and taking the many parts in these interesting, albeit short, description of the Trials of some of Englands most famous murderers and murderesses.

His voice became famous in the Autumn of 1952 when, on the BBC Light programme he introduced the six part 'Prisoner at the Bar', which, as here, he played all of the parts. In a very short time, his listenership increased from two million to 6 million, representing one of the steepest increases ever.

In these programmes he intruces us to some of the greatest Barristers even to have appeared in British courts of justice.

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  • Thanks!

  • Though I have stopped practising law nowadays I think I am the very opposite of the pro capital punishment and conservative Edgar but his presentation is very entertaining and even allowing for dramatic licence he is an honest presenter who makes the law come alive while still being technically accurate enough.These are terrific episodes and useful too for would -be advocates.Thanks again for finding and sharing 

  • Cheers!

  • Many thanks for these. I used to love the TV shows that Lustgarten introduced in the 50s.

    • Hi Peter,

      I just discovered that you also posted two plays I downloaded today. Thanks for those as well.


    • You are very welcome.  I hope that my uploads do not repeat offerings by others, though I do  try to search first.


  • Thank you for sharing these great plays and readings Peter. Very much appreciated:)


  • his link is in the Mystery Folder


    • I can tell by the titles these are going to be dee-lish!  Thanks so much!!!

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