The Absent Guest by Peter Whalley

Whodunit, in which a missing guest at a dinner party is found murdered, and the remaining diners all come under suspicion - until the culprit is exposed in the early hours of the morning.


Ian.........Robert Pickavance

Lynn.........Deborah Findlay

Mike.........John Thomson

Julie.........Katy Cavanagh

Claire.........Denise Welch

Alan.........John Kazek


Produced & Directed by Pauline Harris

Size 52MB. Length 57 Minutes. 128kbps!ArrWZcg2lV80h2uPOpN4AJWzu-Ca


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  • Thanks William for a special treat. Bob

  • Thank you, Bill!

  • Thank you.

    • Thanks for sharing.

  • This looks like another winner. Thanks, William

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