Some Kind of Justice by Derek Geer










                        Philip Howe                                                         Sion Probert


Det Sgt Pryce and Det Constable Rees are investigating a series of arson attacks on Welsh holiday cottages. It all seems easy to explain - until a body turns up, and Pryce and Rees are taken off the case


Det Sgt Pryce.........Sion Probert

Det Constable Rees.........Philip Howe

Doctor Karen Jones.........Ella Hood

Chief Supt  Willis.........Howell Evans

Mary........Julie Higginson

Richard.........John Gannon

Sgt  Lewis.........Terry Victor

Eaglesham/Evans.........Steve Botcher


Directed by Alison Hindell. Stereo

 Size 52MB. Length 57 Minutes. Bitrate 128kbps


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  • Thank you.

  • Dear William,

    Thanks so much for this offering and the many other offerings too.


  • Many thanks! :-)

  • Thank yoy

  • Thanks, William! I appreciate your efforts!!

  • Diolch ar fawr - Thank you from Wales.

  • Thanks for this William.

    Cheers from Perth (Australia not Scotland).

    Robert Johnson

  • Thank you:)

  • William, thank you once again!

  • First broadcast 14 March 1991 (Postponed from 17th January)

    per The Genome Project

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