Recommendations, please?

My sister is currently on medication that is giving her severe double vision. She's cooped up at home, can't drive & can't read. I suggested radio shows & she requested Green Lantern & Shadow Knows. I thought she might also enjoy some other mystery/adventure stories, especially if there are some funny ones to cheer her up. I just don't know much beyond Holmes & Sayers. Can anyone recommend any good series I might be able to send her way, please? Thanks in advance!


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  • Thanks Bob.

  • Vintage shows that are good for beginners, and you can usually get good-sounding copies:  (1) Nick Carter, (2) Box 13 w Alan Ladd, (3) Let George Do It -- not necessarily in that order.  All are available at the OTRR library for free, and some were uploaded to  If she likes The Shadow, try The Whistler.

    • thank you, great suggestions!

    • I love Richard Diamond. The Certified Single Files can be found here

      Another suggestion is Damon Runyon Theatre as well as Pat Novak for Hire & Nero Wolf. Hope she feels better soon & enjoys the shows you send her...................Jim

    • Those sound great, thanks James!

  • Took 45 minutes. :>)

    Comedy Mystery collection

    Password  ForTheBlonde

    The Taverner series "In the..."  are quite good, as is the Bevilacqua satire of The Shadow.

    • Thanks for these Bob:)


    • This is amazing. I came here today to see if, by some small chance, someone had posted S-Laughter in the Dark - and you have. Many thanks, Bob.

      Dave (morfadave)

    • You are SUCH an absolute darling! She's really been through hell & she's several hundred miles away, so it's lovely to think I can do something for her. THANK YOU for doing this for me!!

  • Give me an hour or so and I'll have a whole folder of comedy mystery material for you on my server.  They range from the silly to the cerebral.

    That being said, what could be better than The Master, read by Horgan, Telfer or Jacobi? Or for comedy, the Bevilacqua "Misadventures"?


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